About Me

My photo
Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia
I haven't always been but now that i've grown as a person I am strong, fun, outgoing, independent, I love to travel! I love music and art! Not forgetting my puppy :D He's lovelly. Also, my friends. I'd be nowhere without them :)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The baby that never was...

This isn't the most amazing drawing i've ever done but it is very close to my heart. It was drawn at a very trying time in my life.

I had fallen pregnant at a young age. At first it was very difficult to deal with but I had good people around me to help through everything. As I was making plans for my familys future I had a miscarriage.

This drawing was made after i'd lost my baby. It's just simple charcoal on white paper. I needed my baby to have a face, and this is him.

After I lost him I tried to tell myself it was for the best. So the chains surrounding my babys face originally were to represent the chains that I tried to convince myself would be holding me down in being a young mother. But I failed to make myself believe that. I would of found a way to break those chains for my babys sake.

So in the end they represent the chains holding me back from my life because I lost him. They stand for all the things I lost my passion for when he went out of my life, aswell as the chains that stop me trying for another child for fear of the loss that may come with it.


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